The Acting and Performance workshop (2015 to 2018) offered participants an assortment of theatre forms and genres: storytelling, improvisation, clowning,
physical theatre, song, mask, text, and anything else they could creatively concoct. The goal was for participants to emerge with tools that they could take beyond the Program.
Some actors chose to develop performances about the events that have led them to the Program. Others chose to work with classic
or contemporary texts, clowning or masks. Participants drew on their desire to share their stories. Poetry and song lyrics informed some performances.
Acting participants reconnected with their playfulness, recalling the feelings of being open, silly and creative.
They played theatre games and party games and laughed their way through mistakes.
The act of creating theatre is a team building experience at its essence, and the participants worked together to build trust, playfulness, creativity and ensemble work.
Note: Artists are listed in the category of the creative stream undertaken. For this Gallery some have
submitted works from one or more other artistic endeavours they’ve engaged with on or following the program.